Thursday, December 8, 2011


IEEE 2011 JAVA Project Titles
32.  Design and Performance Analysis of Mobility Management Schemes Based on Pointer Forwarding for Wireless Mesh Networks
33. Secure Communications Over Wireless Broadcast Networks: Stability and Utility Maximization
34.   A Unified Approach to Optimizing Performance in Networks Serving Heterogeneous Flows
35.  Load Shedding in Mobile Systems with MobiQual
IEEE 2011 DOTNET Project Titles
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Analysis of Quality of Object Oriented Systems using Object Oriented Metrics

21. Analysis of Quality of Object Oriented Systems using Object Oriented Metrics

Measurement is fundamental to any engineering discipline. There is considerable evidence that object-oriented design metrics can be used to make quality management decisions. This leads to substantial cost savings in allocation of resources for testing or estimation of maintenance effort for a project. C++ has always been the most preferred language of choice for many object oriented systems and many object oriented metrics have been proposed for it. This paper focuses on an empirical evaluation of object oriented metrics in C++. Two projects have been considered as inputs for the study – the first project is a Library management system for a college and the second is a graphical editor which can be used to describe and create a scene. The metric values have been calculated using a semi automated tool. The resulting values have been analyzed to provide significant insight about the object oriented characteristics of the projects.

Existing Systems:
  1. Structural metrics are calculated from the source code such as references and data sharing between methods of a class belong together for cohesion.
  2. It define and measure relationships among the methods of a class based on the number of pairs of methods that share instance or class variables one way or another for cohesion.
    • Lacking of  high cohesion

Proposed System:
  1. In proposed System unstructural information is retrieved from the source code like comments and identifiers.
  2. Information is retrieved from the source code using Latent Semantic Indexing.
  3. With the help of C3 and existing metrics we are achieving the high cohesion and low coupling.

    • We can predict the fault prediction using high cohesion

System Requirements:

Hardware Requirements:
    • PROCESSOR                    :     PENTIUM III 866 MHz
    • RAM                                  :       128 MB DD RAM
    • MONITOR                         :       15” COLOR
    • HARD DISK                      :       20 GB
    • FLOPPY DRIVE                :       1.44 MB
    • CDDRIVE                          :       LG 52X
    • KEYBOARD                      :       STANDARD 102 KEYS
    • MOUSE                           :         3 BUTTONS

Software Requirements:
·        LANGUAGE                 :    JAVA
·        FRONT-END TOOL     :    SWING

·        Retrieving the structured information.
·        Check the availability of structured information for your source code.
·        Apply the LCOM5 formula for structured information.
·        Analyze about the comments i.e. unstructured information.
·        Index Searching
·        Apply the Conceptual similarity formula.
·        Comparison

Module Description

            In this module we are going to take the structured information like identifiers, (Example Variables). Invocation of declared methods and declared constructors. Here the Java program should be well compiled and it should be valid comments.

            In this module deals we are going to search the declared variables among all the classes. Because the main theme of the declaring class variable is, it should be used in all methods. So that the declared variables are found among all the methods.

            In this module we are going to apply the LCOM5 (Lack of cohesion in methods) formula. If the result is equal to one means, the class is less cohesive according to the structured information.
            Here we are going to retrieve the index terms based on that comments which are present in all the methods. Comments are useful information according to the software engineer. In concept oriented analysis we are taking the comments. Based on the comments we are going to measure the class is cohesive or not.

            In this module we are going to check the index terms among the comments which are present in all the comments.

In this module we are going to apply the conceptual similarity formula. Based on the result we can say the class is cohesive or less cohesive according to concept oriented.

In this module we are going to compare the two results. Based on the results we can say that cohesion according to structure oriented and unstructured oriented.

Kayarvizhi, Kanmani, “Analysis of Quality of Object Oriented Systems using Object Oriented Metrics”, IEEE Conference 2011.

A New Approach for FEC Decoding Based on the BP Algorithm in LTE and WiMAX Systems

22.A New Approach for FEC Decoding Based on the BP Algorithm in LTE and WiMAX Systems 

Many wireless communication systems such as IS- 54, enhanced data rates for the GSM evolution (EDGE), worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) and long term evolution (LTE) have adopted low-density parity-check (LDPC), tail-biting convolutional, and turbo codes as the forward error correcting codes (FEC) scheme for data and overhead channels. Therefore, many efficient algorithms have been proposed for decoding these codes. However, the different decoding approaches for these two families of codes usually lead to different hardware architectures. Since these codes work side by side in these new wireless systems, it is a good idea to introduce a universal decoder to handle these two families of codes. The present work exploits the parity-check matrix (H) representation of tailbiting convolutional and turbo codes, thus enabling decoding via a unified belief propagation (BP) algorithm. Indeed, the BP algorithm provides a highly effective general methodology for devising low-complexity iterative decoding algorithms for all convolutional code classes as well as turbo codes. While a small performance loss is observed when decoding turbo codes with BP instead of MAP, this is offset by the lower complexity of the BP algorithm and the inherent advantage of a unified decoding architecture.
Existing System:
  • For analysis purposes the packet-loss process resulting from the single-multiplexer model was assumed to be independent and, consequently, the simulation results provided show that this simplified analysis considerably overestimates the performance of FEC.

  • Evaluation of FEC performance in multiple session was more complex in existing applications.

  • Surprisingly, all numerical results given indicates that the resulting residual packet-loss rates with coding are always greater than without coding, i.e., FEC is ineffective in this application.

  • The increase in the redundant packets added to the data will increase the performance, but it will also make the data large and it will also lead to increase in data loss.

Proposed System:

  • In this work we have evaluated the performance of FEC coding more accurately than previous works.

  • We have reduced the complexity in multiple session and introduced a simple way for its implementation.

  • We show that the unified approach provides an integrated framework for exploring the tradeoffs between the key coding parameters: specifically, Interleaving depths, channel coding rates and block lengths.

  • Thus by choosing the coding parameter appropriately we have achieved high performance of FEC, reduced the time delay for Encoding and Decoding with Interleaving.

System Requirements
PROCESSOR        :    PENTIUM IV 2.6 GHz
RAM                      :    512 MB
MONITOR             :    15”
HARD DISK         :     20 GB
CDDRIVE              :    52X
FRONT END                  :    JAVA, SWING
TOOLS USED                :    JFRAME BUILDER
Modules of the Project
         FEC Encoder
         Implementation of the  Queue
         FEC Decoder
         Performance Evaluation

Module Description
1. FEC Encoder:
FEC is a system of error control for data transmission, where the sender adds redundant data to its messages. This allows the receiver to detect and correct errors (within some bounds) without the need to ask the sender for additional data. In this module we add redundant data to the given input data, known as FEC Encoding.
The text available in the input text file is converted into binary. The binary conversion is done for each and every character in the input file. Then we add the redundant data for each bit of the binary. After adding we have a block of packets for each character.
 The User Interface design is also done in this module. We use the Swing package available in Java to design the User Interface. Swing is a widget toolkit for Java. It is part of Sun Microsystems' Java Foundation Classes (JFC) — an API for providing a graphical user interface (GUI) for Java programs.
2. Interleaver:
          Interleaving is a way of arranging data in a non-contiguous way in order to increase performance. It is used in data transmission to protest against burst errors. In this module we arrange the data (shuffling) to avoid burst errors which is useful to increase the performance of FEC Encoding.
            This module gets the input as blocks of bits from the FEC Encoder. In this module we shuffle the bits inside a single block in order to convert burst errors into random errors. This shuffling process is done for each and every block comes from the FEC Encoder. Then we create a Socket connection to transfer the blocks from Source to the Queue. This connection is created by using the Server Socket and Socket class Available in Java.

3. Implementation of the Queue:
          In this module we receive the data from the Source system. This data is the blocks after FEC Encoding and Interleaving processes are done. These blocks come from the Source system through Server Socket and Socket. Server socket and Socket are classes available inside Java. These two classes are used to create a connection between two systems inside a network for data transmission. After we receive the packets from Source, we create packet loss. Packet loss is a process of deleting the packets randomly. After creating loss we send the remaining blocks to the Destination through the socket connection.

4. De-Interleaver:
          This module receives the blocks of data from the Queue through the socket connection. These blocks are the remaining packets after the loss in the Queue. In this module we re arrange the data packets inside a block in the order in which it is before Interleaving. This process of Interleaving and De-Interleaving is done to convert burst errors into random errors. After De-Interleaving the blocks are arranged in the original order. Then the data blocks are sent to the FEC Decoder.

5. FEC Decoder:
          This module gets the input from the De-Interleaver. The received packets are processed to remove the original bits from it. Thus we recover the original bits of a character in this module. After retrieving the original bits, we convert it to characters and write it inside a text file.

6. Performance Evaluation:
          In this module we calculate the overall performance of FEC Coding in recovering the packet losses. After retrieving the original bits, we convert it to characters and write it inside a text file. This performance is calculated by using the coding parameters like Coding rate, Interleaving depth, Block length and several other parameters. First we calculate the amount of packet loss and with it we use various formulas to calculate the overall performance of Forward Error Correction in recovering the network packet losses. 

In module given input and expected output
Given Input:
Text file.                                              
Expected Output:
Packets coded with redundant data.

Given Input:
Packets coded with redundant data.
Expected Output:
Packets shuffled inside every block of data.

Given Input:
Shuffled packets
Expected Output:
Packets passed successfully (other than lost packets)

Given Input:
Packets from the queue
Expected Output:
Packets re-ordered like it was before Interleaving

Given Input:
Packets from De-Interleaver
Expected Output:
Original packets

Given Input:
All the parameters used in FEC Coding
Expected Output:
Output file and the calculations result

Ahmed Refaey, Sebastien Roy and Paul Fortier, “A New approach for FEC Decoding based on the BP algorithm in LTE and WiMAX Systems”, IEEE Conference 2011.