31. Denial of Service Attacks in Wireless Networks: The Case of Jammers
The shared nature of the medium in wireless networks makes it easy for an adversary to launch a Wireless Denial of Service (WDoS) attack. Recent studies, demonstrate that such attacks can be very easily accomplished using off-the shelf equipment. To give a simple example, a malicious node can continually transmit a radio signal in order to block any legitimate access to the medium and/or interfere with reception. This act is called jamming and the malicious nodes are referred to as jammers. Jamming techniques vary from simple ones based on the continual transmission of interference signals, to more sophisticated attacks that aim at exploiting vulnerabilities of the particular protocol used. In this survey, we present a detailed up-to-date discussion on the jamming attacks recorded in the literature. We also describe various techniques proposed for detecting the presence of jammers. Finally, we survey numerous mechanisms which attempt to protect the network from jamming attacks. We conclude with a summary and by suggesting future directions.
SECURITY is one of the critical attributes of any communication network. Various attacks have been reported over the last many years. Most of them, however, target wired networks. Wireless networks have only recently been gaining widespread deployment. At the present time, with the advances in technology, wireless networks are becoming more affordable and easier to build. Many metropolitan areas deploy public WMANs for people to use freely. Moreover, the prevalence of WLANs as the basic edge access solution to the Internet is rapidly becoming the reality. However, wireless networks are accompanied with an important security flaw; they are much easier to attack than any wired network.
In this survey paper, we describe some of the most harmful attacks that can be launched by a jammer. We develop such as one system, to show the effect of the dos attack.
In our proposed system, the normal client and server process is initially depicted, then the attack is lauched manually to show how the dos attack affect the normal client/server process.
Hardware Requirements
The most common set of requirements defined by any operating system or software application is the physical computer resources, also known as hardware. The hardware requirements required for this project are:
Ø 20 GB of Hard disk
Ø 256 MB RAM
Ø Pentium 133 MHZ or above (Processor)
Ø PC’s which are interconnected in LAN
Ø Network Adapter card configured with an IP address
Software Requirements
Software Requirements deal with defining software resource requirements and pre-requisites that need to be installed on a computer to provide optimal functioning of an application. These requirements or pre-requisites are generally not included in the software installation package and need to be installed separately before the software is installed. The software requirements that are required for this project are:
Ø Java 1.3 or more
Ø Windows 98 or more
v Client Application
v DoS attack
v File Server
v Location Guard
v Normal Client
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